Our thanks to Larry Noble for the donation pledge of $20, towards the acquisition of the 2009 SSOTY for the Permananet Collection of All Past OTY Awards Winners.
Pledges/Donations thus far total: $515
Our specific thanks go to:
Wayne Thompson - $50
Archie Black - $50
Anonymous - $50
Doug Smith - $50
James McFadden - $50
Bruce Kay - $10
George and Pat Lindeman - $50
Steve Wilson - $10
"Riverboat Rick" Pokracki - $10
Marty Robbins - $20
Don Nesbitt, Jr. - $50
Sarge - $10
Phyllis Spagnola - $10
Pam and Jamie Martin - $50
Larry Noble - $20
Barry Hauptman - $25
I will also point out that there are one or two other pledges that are 'in-process' and will be announced as soon as they are are finalized. Also, over on the Silver Striker's Message Board ( http://www.thestrikepoint.com/ ) Past President of the Silver Striker's, Don Nesbitt, Jr., is leading an initiative to raise a $100 donation to this effort in the name of the Silver Striker's Club. If your principal love of collecting is Silver Strikes, and you wish to participate in this project, then please feel free to sign-up through Don's efforts. He is looking for pledges/donations at the $10 level. Don is looking for 4 more sign-ups at the time of this post. Here is the link to Don's post: http://www.thestrikepoint.com/index.cgi/page/1/md/read/id/1042072/sbj/ss-club-members-ssoty-donation-help-needed/
As a recap...
The needs this strike to keep the Collection complete:
We need more pledges/donations and respectfully request your support!
Need more information about this Project? Then just visit here: http://www.ccgtcc.com/cgi-bin/bbs521/webbbs_config.pl/page/1/md/read/id/54941/sbj/the-permanent-oty-collection-needs-your-help/