Messages In This Thread
- NCR...Average price for reg Gas in your area is?
- Long Island 4.14 per gallon
- Southeast Michigan $3.95
- Northern NJ, 3.79, 2 Days Ago
- I'll have to remember to fill up in NJ
- $3.76.9 Tampa BJ''s (Like Sam's & Cosco)
- $3.68 in S. NJ as of last night
- $4.09 35 miles west if Chicago
- Re: NCR...Average price for reg Gas in your area i
- OUCH!!
- NCR... Gas Price US Map
- Marlow - $9.33
- Re: Marlow - $9.33
- Ok. so $7.50 equivalent
- Wow
- I'll bet you don't do much driving.
- We have very fuel efficient cars
- As you did in 1960 when fuel was 1/10 the cost
- About 80 miles daily in the UK...
- $2,4 USD here / litter not gallon
- Let's see......
- Your math is a bit off
- Re: Your math is a bit off
- I see now You are correct......
- That's a beautiful flag you have there, Paul.
- Re: That's a beautiful flag you have there, Paul.
- $3.95 East central MN
- $3.51 everywhere about town!
- $4.21 Bay Area, Ca
- Re: $4.21 Bay Area, Ca
- as low as $3.55 Laurel, MS
- $3.95
- Orlando Fl 3.79 at 7-11
- $4.35 a Gal. for regular is the avarage here...
- Oregon price: about 25c a gallon
- $3.87 This AM, $4.17 at Lunch
- Home $4.09- Work $4.28
- caracas,venezuela 6 cents@gallon
- $4.17
- 4.27 in So. Cal. SF Ca. highest 5.00
- Gas was $1.79 a Gallon when our last President
- [USA] President? What does gas prices in the UK ~~
- Interesting that you never said anything like that
- Re: NCR...Average price for reg Gas in your area i
- $3.85 in WPB area, and no drinking glass w/ Fillup
- 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.......FREE
Copyright 2022 David Spragg