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The Chip Board Archive 21

Now this is a man who is prepared!

Wow John, what an education on jewlery!
I don't use jewelery myself but, this one time at band camp..... rofl
I was shopping for my wedding ring, and to me they all look the same!
so my bride to be was fustraded i did not pick one out right away.
Suddenly, I saw one that caught my eye, and I'm not sure why.
We haggled, then I bought what I thought was a good deal.
As we walked out of the store the manager called us back and demanded the ring back! when I asked why he would'nt tell me.
As I walked out, telling him how rude he was, and giving him a splendid finger gesture, he yelled at the salesman that the ring was not white gold but platnum and he just gave the ring away!
It makes the ring that much more special now . vbg

Messages In This Thread

NCR Yard sale find
Re: NCR Yard sale find
Look closely at the diamonds, John
Re: Look closely at the diamonds, John
Now this is a man who is prepared!
Re: Now this is a man who is prepared!
Nice! grin
Here's MY Story... and I'm sticking to it
Re: Here's MY Story... and I'm sticking to it
We had the opposite happen...

Copyright 2022 David Spragg