about the email.
I can hardly commend the person who by the way, never sent these concerns to the BOD but simply emailed them to a mutual friend. I also have serious issues with him ending his email by bashing the BOD for not doing anything to help the club in the past 10 years, especially when you see his name nowhere on the list of those running for office or for that matter even volunteering for anything.
On the subject if FUN. You mentioned that you have made numerous requests over the years.
2011 is my 5th year on the BOD. I cannot remember one such request since I have been on the BOD.
Several months ago I came to the membership on BOTH boards and asked for suggestions. I got LOTS of them, but guess what, none of them mentioned a word about FUN. Heck, I didnt even know what FUN stood for until I read your post.
If that had been a suggestion on the agenda for the last BOD meeting, we probably would already be members.
I personally made sure we remained members of the ANA and was able to do that at no cost to us after gathering enough names to use as a discount.
So, while I cant speak for the rest of the BOD, I like the idea. Can you please provide more detail on who to contact, what the rates are and the names of other organizations you recommend?
If at all possible, an email to any BOD member with that info would be much better than a post on the Chipboard.