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The Chip Board Archive 21

To answer your question ---- Y E S

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Chip Value & Rarity Question...
How can you expect anyone to answer that
Re: How can you expect anyone to answer that
Re: How can you expect anyone to answer that
OK, Fair enough...
Re: OK, Fair enough...
I forgot to mentio that this chip sold for...
Here is the link Ruben
Cool, Thanks Archie!
Re: I forgot to mentio that this chip sold for...
Like most goods, value is based on supply and...
"The Value" is determined by ...
Re: "The Value" is determined by ...
Re: Chip Value & Rarity Question...
Re: Chip Value & Rarity Question...
To answer your question ---- Y E S
Re: Chip Value & Rarity Question... NV Chip20 Made
I know I'm beating a dead horse but...
Low Demand=Low Value
grin You ARE beating a dead horse...
Well said, Steve vbg Thanks!
Re: Chip Value & Rarity Question... NV Chip20 Made
Re: Chip Value & Rarity Question... NV Chip20 Made
Re: Chip Value & Rarity Question... NV Chip20 Made
Re: Chip Value & Rarity Question...

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