LUCKY 77 days left until the Convention so lets have another contest!!! A BIG WIN will mean a BIG PARTY at the convention and a BIG donation for the MOGH so let's get LUCKY!!!
This Arizona Lottery POWER BALL ticket is worth an estimated $178,000,000.00 tonight if these numbers are picked!!! The MOGH will get up to 50% of the money if we hit and we will have one heck of a BASH in VEGAS too! Here is how the percentage will be determined. Each responding post with the correct answers will add 1/2 of 1% to the MOGH donation!!! I need some money too guys... OK? If 100 members respond to this post with the correct answers the MOGH will get the entire 50% donation!!! *
OK Gang... Here are the questions:
Post on the subject line: What does Mr. Slashbar say? HINT: It starts with W and ends with OOOOOOOOOO
Post in the message body: Name these three chip collectors!!! That's Easy!
* members only! Only 1 correct post per member.
Let's Get Lucky & Get Ready To PARTY!!!