There are many contributors to both my website and to my catalog. This is the list of contributors whom I have acknowledged that is published in my book.
Many collectors and dealers have been very supportive with loans of material for me to photocopy and/or scan, or who have provided much appreciated color copies of scarce to rare chips in their collections, many of which are illustrated on these pages. My personal thanks to the following individuals for their cooperation and thoughtfulness:
Sal Acilio; Jim Bennett, Raymond Betts, Jerry Birl, John Bollinger, Dick Brach, Mike Brindle, Wayne Burt, Frank Caccavone, Jerry Canna, James Campiglia, Jack Carson, Bob Ciancia, Mike Custodio, Joseph DeLengyal, Russell Diaz, Robert Eisenstadt, David Feavel, Robert Feeney, Dennis Finn, Bruce Fischer, Richard Gauthier, Robert Ginsburg, Christie Gregory, Mike Grimaldi, Edward Hanisco, Howard Herz, Robert Hiestand, Tom Hill, Tom Hitzelberger, Scott Jaske, Jonathan Kalikow, William Kaar, Bruce Konick, Steven Kuriscak, Ron Kirzner, Robert Krueger, Ron Leis, Dean Macros; Bob Mera, Allan McCurdy, James Noll, Lee H. O’Dell, Allen “Bo” Pergament, Steve Piccolo, Nate Pincus, Ross Poppell; Randy Pisane (Casino Rarities), Dwayne Plau, Ricky Pushkin, Chris Reslock, Michael Resnick, Richard Reynolds, Michael Richter, Robert E. Ruffolo, Jr., Eric Rosenblum, Dale Seymour, Bernard Sloan, David Spragg, Ron Stinson, Tom Stroh, Leonidas S. Tan, Ph.D., Frank Tiemann, Gary Thompson, Mark Todd, Chuck Tomarchio, Robert Touts, Dave Trevett, Harriet VanderVliet, Peter Volberg; Linda Weisenstein, Jim Whittaker, and probably a few more whom I’ve neglected to mention. This catalog would not have been as “complete” without your help.