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The Chip Board Archive 21

Extra! vbg I have RETIRED vbg Extra!

I went into the office for about an hour today to finish up some details. I have handed in my key and badge and I am now officially retired. It will obviously take some time for me to realize that it is really true.

Both Corni and I will be able to attend the convention this year. I missed my first convention last year after attending the prior 13 conventions.

Heading on a road trip on Monday. To where you ask?................ I haven't decided yet. vbg


Messages In This Thread

Extra! vbg I have RETIRED vbg Extra!
Congratulations - enjoy!!!
Some of us have around 3
Enjoy! O captain MY Captain grin
Congrats Mike!
That's Fantastic Mike. Congrats!
Welcome to the "clique"...
Congrats 29 more years and I can retire at55*vbg*
grin Congrats to you, Mike...may you enjoy many,
Re: grin Congrats to you, Mike...may you enjoy many
Congratulations Capt'n!...
Congrats Enjoy
Congratulations and Enjoy
Congratulations and Enjoy
Congrats on retirement!!!
Welcome to the club! vbg
Congrats, Q!
Re: Congrats, Q!
Congratulations - let the fun begin! grin
Congrats and enjoy!!!
Great News Mike!
Congrats on your Retirement
Re: Extra! vbg I have RETIRED vbg Extra!
Congrats "Mike" Enjoy The Ride
Re: "The best has yet to come.." vbg Extra!
Congrats Mike!
Congrats Mike!
Mazel Tove Mike!
I N V U!! 4+yrs 2 Go 4 me!! grin
grin Congratulations...
Congratulations!! grin
Re: Extra! vbg I have RETIRED vbg Extra!
vbg Hi "Q" cOnGrAtS, hAvE fUn :-}

Copyright 2022 David Spragg