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The Chip Board Archive 21

Thanks Joel!
In Response To: Club Mag Arrived Yesterday ()

Lots of people helped to create those articles. My man Ken Kleber fixed my rambling notes about the trip and turned the Boulder Highway story into a story that is actually readable! Lots of people gave me scans of chips, or matchbooks, or paper items, etc...

Christine Smith fixed the Thunderbird story, again it was a mess of notes that didn't read too well, she did a great job of straightening it out!

It is so much fun to go on a tour of those places (on the Boulder Highway) with guys like Phil Jensen and Carey Burke. They were in a lot of those places and have great memories of what they were like. I didn't capture the essence of what it is like to hear these guys tell the stories too well. I should have tape recorded the whole thing so I could have captured more of their direct quotes. As it was, the tour was too hectic and going too fast for me to write down exactly what they said.

Thanks again for the compliments!

Todd Barrett
Ramona, CA

Messages In This Thread

Club Mag Arrived Yesterday
Thanks Joel!
One Question.
Re: One Question.
grin Outstanding Article...
Club Mag arrived in Kentucky
Thanks Phyllis!

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