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The Chip Board Archive 21

Are you a LURKER? Read this post!

Steve wrote.......

"There are many members that don't post here because they don't feel like this is always a friendly environment"

On one hand I fully understand what you & they are saying. Plus this is a hobby & most people have a hobby to break away from whatever stress they might have in their life. On the other hand I am really tired of hearing they don't feel like this is always a friendly environment. mad By letting the occasional argument keep you from posting or letting it drive you off of the board makes you the loser in the long run. You are just missing out on all of the GREAT parts of The Chip Board. grin

I CHALLENGE any ccgtcc member who is lurking to reply to this post & tell us a little bit about themselves & what they collect. NOT NEW members, but those who have been a ccgtcc member for at LEAST a year. Make your first post as a reply to this & I will GIVE the first FOUR posters the uncirculated $10 Hacienda Blackjack Tournament chip below.

Go ahead...give the board a chance & you might end up enjoying it by posting & not just lurking. grin

If you post I'll need your first & last name in your post. No initials for the last name and you must be a ccgtcc member and include your number in your post. PLUS have been a ccgtcc member for at least a year & this is your FIRST post.

Steve Bedo will be the one & only judge as to if a ccgtcc member who makes a post has been a member for at least a year. And if this is their first post here. The offer ends once I we have four posts or at MIDNIGHT March 31st.

Andy - Las Vegas

Messages In This Thread

Would it be safe to say that an estimated 270-340
Great idea John!
YES ... that's a fair estimate!
That really is an excellent idea, John...
Re: That really is an excellent idea, John...
That's even a better question Joel...
Re: That really is an excellent idea, John...
Re: That really is an excellent idea, John...
Re: That really is an excellent idea, John...
Not too many people know this, but before TCB ~~~
Re: Not too many people know this, but before TCB
Re: Not too many people know this, but before TCB
Re: Not too many people know this, but before TCB
Re: Not too many people know this, but before TCB
I met a man this week...
I believe that you would all be a bit
Are you a LURKER? Read this post!
In my first couple of years as the club's...
Andy, many who do not wish to either respond to ~~
While I agree that people should be
Re: While I agree that people should be
Oh I definitely agree

Copyright 2022 David Spragg