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The Chip Board Archive 21

I can offer these----
In Response To: Northern Kentucky Illegals.... ()

181 (Avenue Nite Club) ILL-KYAVE05 Bellevue Ky ND e4 5-9 Yellow w/181 on Both Sides Obsolete Closed 50's 3 $20.00 Cord
633 Club-Flamingo ILL-KYFLM20 Newport Ky $5.00 a4 7--14 Black w/633 CLUB & $5 Both Sides Obsolete Closed 50's 4 $24.00 SmKey
633 Club-Flamingo ILL-KYFLM03 Newport Ky ND a1 6--5 Maroon-w/633 Club-50's Illegal Obsolete Closed 50's 2 $10.00 Hourglass 3 Green
633 Club-Flamingo ILL-KYFLM15 Newport Ky $0.50 a1 1-3 Yellow w/633 Club & .50 On Both Sides Obsolete Closed50's 3 $10.00 SmKey
633 Club-Flamingo ILL-KYFLM02 Newport Ky ND d2 4-12 Lt. Gray w/633 CLUB Gold Stamped Both Sides Obsolete Closed 50's 3 $20.00 Hourglass
Ave (Ave. Nite Club) ILL-Not Listed Bellevue Ky ND d1 7--7 Brown w/AVE 2 Sides-Attributed To Obsolete Closed 3 $15.00 Plain
BH (Beverly Hills) ILL-KYBEV02 Southgate Ky ND b4 2-3 Beige w/Gold BH on Both Sides Obsolete Closed 59 2 $10.00 Flowers
BH (Beverly Hills) ILL.-KYBEV03 Southgate Ky ND a2 7--14 Blue w/Gold Hot Stamp Obsolete Closed 59 3 $10.00 Hourglass
Glenn Rend. (KD) ILL-KYGLN12 Newport Ky ND e3 6--3 Brown w/ KD On Both Sides Obsolete Closed 50's 3 $15.00 Hub 2 Green
Glenn Rendz. (HOD) ILL-Not Listed Newport Ky ND b2 6--2 Mustard w/ HOD On Both Sides Obsolete Closed 50's 3 $20.00 Hub 2 Black
Glenn Rendz. (HOD) ILL-KYGLN12 Newport Ky ND d1 6--5 Brown w/ KD On Both Sides Obsolete Closed 50's 3 $25.00 Hub 2 Green
Golden Horseshoe ILL.-KYGOL01 Covington Ky ND e4 1--6 Black w/Cream Ctr.-Red Hshoe Obsolete Close 30's 3 $20.00 Hub 2 Red
Golden Horseshoe ILL.-KYGOL03 Covington Ky ND d4 6--5 Blue w/Red Horseshoe on White Obsolete Close 30's 4 $20.00 Hub
Golden Horseshoe ILL.-KYGOL01 Covington Ky ND e3 7--10 Black w/Cream Ctr.-Red Hshoe Obsolete Close 30's 3 $20.00 Hub 2 Red
HOD(Glenn Rendezvo) ILL-Not Listed Newport Ky ND f1 5-9 Yellow w/HOD Stamped Both Sides Obsolete Closed 50's 3 $20.00 Hub
Kasey Klub ILL.-KYKAS01 Henderson Ky ND Box 2 Red w/KASEY CLUB Hot Stamped Obsolete Closed 40's 1 $15.00 Harp
KD (GlennRendezvous) ILL-KYGLN14 Newport Ky ND e4 7--4 Off White w/Fancy KD Both Sides Obsolete Closed 50's 3 $20.00 Hub
Kentucky Club ILL-KYKEN04 Covington Ky ND d1 2--13 Red w/Horse Head in Gold Both Sides Obsolete Closed 50's 3 $40.00 SmKey
KID (Kid Able Club) ILL.-KYKID02 Newport Ky ND a1 6--2 Gray w/Gold KID Stamped Both Sides Obsolete Closed 50's 5 $15.00 Hourglass
KID (Kid Able Club) ILL-KYKID01 Newport Ky ND f3 1-3 Blue w/KID Stamped In Gold Both Sides Obsolete Closed 50's 5 $15.00 Hourglass
KID (Kid Able Club) ILL-KYKID02 Newport Ky ND f4 2-3 Grey w/Gold KID Stamped Both Sides Obsolete Closed 50's 5 $15.00 Hourglass
KID (Kid Able Club) ILL-KYKID02 Newport Ky ND f2 5-9 White w/Gold KID Both Sides Obsolete Closed 50's 5 $15.00 Hourglass
Lookout House ILL-KYLOK05 Ft. Mitchell Ky $1.00 a1 7--14 White w/Gold Stamp & $1 Both Sides Obsolete Closed 52 3 $15.00 SmKey
LQ (Latin Quarter) ILL-KYLAT07 Wilder Ky ND b1 5-10 Blue w/Gold L Q on Both Sides Obsolete Closed 50's 3 $15.00 Hourglass
Magnolia Club ILL-KYMAG01 Covington Ky ND b5 5-10 Blue w/MAGNOLIA CLUB Stamped Both Sides Obsolete Closed 3 $10.00 DiaSqr
Merchants Club ILL-KYMER07 Newport Ky $0.25 a4 6--5 Yellow w/M .25 C Both Sides Obsolete Closed 50's 3 $25.00 S's
Merchants Club ILL-KYMER11 Newport Ky $0.50 b2 1-4 Yellow w/MERCHANTS CLUB & .50 Both Sides Obsolete Closed 50's 3 $10.00 SmKey
Merchants Club ILL-KYMER12 Newport Ky $1.00 c4 4-13 Red w/Merchants Club & $1.00 Stamped Both Sides Obsolete Closed 50's 5 $10.00 SmKey
Merchants Club ILL-KYMER14 Newport Ky $5.00 c5 5-7 Purple w/MERCHANTS CLUB & $5 Both Sides Obsolete Closed 50's 2 $15.00 SmKey
Toy Tiger, The Charity Chip Louisville Ky $500.00 a3 2-7 Gold w/Gold Hot Stamp Charity Chip 3 $2.00 Diamond
WI (Woodland Inn) ILL-KYWOD04 Walton Ky ND b2 5-10 Brown w/Gold WI On Both Sides Obsolete Closed 3 $40.00 LzyDia
Yorkshire ILL-KYOR07 Newport Ky ND a4 2--1 White w/YORKSHIRE Both Sides Obsolete Closed 50's 2 $15.00 S's
Yorkshire Club ILL-KYYOR06 Newport Ky ND d4 1--9 Red w/YORKSHIRE CLUB both sides Obsolete Closed 50's 2 $15.00 S's
Yorkshire Club ILL-KYYOR06 Newport Ky ND b1 7--14 Red w/YORKSHIRE CLUB both sides Obsolete Closed 50's 2 $15.00 S's
Yorkshire Club ILL.-KYYOR19 Newport Ky ND d2 2-2 Gold w/YORKSHIRE CLUB Both Sides Obsolete Closed 50's 3 $10.00 SmKey
Yorkshire Club (YC) ILL-KYYOR14 Newport Ky ND a3 7--14 Maroon w/Large YC Both Sides Obsolete Closed 50's 3 $15.00 Hourglass
Yorkshire Club (YC) ILL-KYYOR13 Newport Ky ND d2 1-3 Gray w/Lg. "YC" on Both Sides Obsolete Closed 50's 3 $15.00 Hourglass
Yorkshire Club-Y ILL-KYYOR02 Newport Ky ND a2 1-4 Yellow w/YORKSHIRE Stamped-"Y" On Reverse Obsolete Closed 50's 3 $20.00 Cord

Messages In This Thread

Northern Kentucky Illegals....
I can offer these----

Copyright 2022 David Spragg