For a different reason than most. I saw your story and decided to pay Craigslist a visit today. We bought a minivan about 4 years ago that we have never liked since it came with no options on it. I have been looking to replace it for at least 2 years now. Due to your Craigslist reminder I found a 2006 minivan that may fit our needs. We went to visit it today and decided to buy it. So it is not perfect (it has a "rebuilt" title) but at $700 under trade in value I couldn't pass it up since the damage (before it was repaired) was only on the side door and it runs perfectly. Unlike Ralphie and his fancy hot rods a car to me is only a way to get from here to there so I am not real picky. Now if I can just find something to replace my 10 year old convertible..........