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The Chip Board Archive 21

No one has said that others are or would be

discouraged from joining this club. But, on the other hand, how does it encourage them to join? It doesn't...upon first look, we collect casino chips & tokens & that's all we may get is a first look -- if we're found at all. So how exactly does someone who doesn't collect chips or tokens find this merry little club of ours, especially if they don't collect chips or tokens but do collect other casino-related items? Obviously, they don't.

This whole discussion is meant to look for ways to increase our membership. That has been a common concern for many of our members & it is something that our membership wants improved. The six BoD members do not have all the answers, they don't have all the ideas...that's why the discussion. But they do have the task of listening to the membership & doing what they can.

Steve Bedo

Messages In This Thread

Re: "New Club Name" [James Perlowski]
Re: "New Club Name" [James Perlowski]
The original discussions were to have a name
Re: The original discussions were to have a name
No one has said that others are or would be
I don't disagree with your post Steve ...
Re: No one has said that others are or would be
The problem is GETTING them to the website grin
I think you just about nailed it Andy ...
Re: the etc. can stay...AFTER the postcards,
Re: Hi John
Yes. I understand, but my point is in line with ~~
Re: Yes. I understand, but my point is in line wit
I agree Dick ...
...and what better way, Archie, than to extend ~~~
Excellent post, John...I'm not what some would
Ask David Spragg to change
I already asked him to change his woolies; he wont
To reiterate -- NOT looking to change the ccgtcc
Re: vbg vbg vbg vbg grin
"Casino Memorabilia Collectibles"....
I just searched 'swizzle sticks' w/o 'collecting'
Here is a name that should bring a better response
rofl NOW WE'RE TALKIN'!!! rofl

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