while David Spragg is the candidate with the fewest years in the , I personally believe that his contributions have exceeded those from the other candidates. Taking over this BB, maintaining the club's website, auction chairman, accepting the challenge to help take-over & maintain of one of our hobby's most important guides (The Chip Rack), his involvement in helping raise funds for the MOGH...the list goes on & on.
I know some people find David to be...abrupt. I did, too, before I got to know him. Maybe it's a culture thing, maybe it's that we want long drawn-out answers & David really doesn't provide those -- he is succinct & to the point without providing flowery answers. And as when people come to the realization that that is how he is, they can look past what they perceive to be impatience & understand what a huge asset David has been to the & to the hobby. My dealings with David haven't always been fun-filled (as I am one of those that likes the longer, flowery answers
), but they have always been timely, thorough, honest & accurate -- not only my personal dealings but on those many occasions where David has been involved with the BoD on club matters.
More than any other candidate, I believe that David will push & pull this club forward in an effort to make it both a larger club as well as a better club.
Steve Bedo