those expressed by others. As Sheldon noted, it was a unanimous decision by the BoD to swap the nights of the auction & poker tourney to hopefully increase attendance, and subsequently sales, at the club's auction. As you know, the auction has been a great source of income for the club for many years...and the financial benefit to the club through this auction has decreased these past couple of years. This decrease may be caused by the economy, but there may be other determining factors. By moving the day on which the auction is held, the anticipated outcome is both increased attendance & increased sales. Attendance last year was miserable and the total sales reflected that. And it becomes a domino affect -- with increased sales, the club would get more & better auction lots the following year(s) along with the benefit of increased profits for the club.
One of the other issues with the Friday night auction is the limited amount of time for the treasurer to "settle" the auction account lots -- the Thursday night auction provides the treasurer another day to collect the money from the auction in the midst of doing his other convention duties.
Obviously, nothing is set in stone. If the club doesn't realize any additional benefit from making this change, it may be voted on to move it back -- but we think that making this change in the hopes of providing greater benefit to the club is worth it.