To paraphrase a line from Woodstock.... 6 hours man, 6 hours of trading and nothing but trading! I hope everyone had as good of a time as I did buying, selling and trading for over 6 hours yesterday. Some forgot about the fact we were on CST, some had to check out of their hotel at 11 AM, some got lost... but it didn't matter - we were ready to trade and trade we did. We had something like 12 visitors show up including 2 wives and I think everyone had a great time. I know that one trade took over an hour since we had $460 in value on each side. That doesn't sound like much until you realize that almost none of the chips were over $10 and many were at $5. That is a lot of chips! The picture shows what my take was and I know Reggie was running a close second. Thanks again to everyone that showed up.
I look forward to doing this again next year and maybe we could get a few more wives to come and Cindy can plan on some activities for them.