Matt voted off last week and sent to R.I. where he beat Francesca last, what a blindside last week and could have had a even bigger one last night....But Russell was voted out and sent to R.I. where he will put up or shut up vs Matt next week. I think it was a very bad move by his team to throw the challenge just so they could vote him out,....your team is up 9-7...go for the kill..and Stephanie lost her cool at TC defending Russell, so I'm sure she'll be the next to go..also think Krista made a mistake by not flipping on her team...being 4th in a 4team alliance is better than being 6th in a 6team.....what Did Jeff say before the season started?, give it 6 episodes before making your mind up about R.I.?..maybe Russell beats Matt next week and beats 2 more to return in episode 7? We'll see
Al Whiting...............25 Ashley Underwood
Jim Follis.................52 Phillip Sheppard
Bill Purcell...............21 Andrea Boehule
John Zoesch.............22 Matt Elrod...2nd to go to RI...won over Francesca
Bill Wiegele.............31 Mike Chiesl
Richard Jezeski.........38 Evil Russell..3rd to go to R.I....
Marty Robbins..........36 Francesca Hogi...1st to go to R.I.....lost to Matt....goodbye
Eric Swort.................25 Stephanie Valencia
Dennis Berry.............25 Krista Klump
Ricky Pushkin............31 David Murphy
Michael Levesque.....36 Sarita White
Bob Hiestand.............35 Boston Rob
Derek Bistricky..........51 Steven Wright
Ralph Myers..............29 Grant Mattos
Robert Likes..............19 Natalie Tenerelli
Michelle Robbins......46 Kristina Kell
Mike Skelton.............50 Julie Wolfe
Paul Biggs..................44 Ralph Kiser