A REMINDER that the OTY Nomination deadline has been extended, but is soon coming up!
In the upcoming issue of the Club's Award winning magazine, the following article will appear. It is hoped that the issue will have a large viewership, to the vast majority, if not nearly all, Club Members. Please take a look at this copy and where possible, please pass along to Associate Members and other off-line Members that you have contact with.
The following is a pre-print from the upcoming issue of the Casino Chip and Token News:
So Where is My OTY Ballot?...
Jim Follis – OTY Chairman
In a departure from what was previously announced both on-line and in the last issue of the CCTN, there in a wrinkle in the 2010 OTY Balloting process. This issue of the magazine was to include both a Ballot and a pictorial layout of all the 2010 OTY Nominees. However, it seems that the CCTN deadline and the results of the OTY Nominations do not over-lap [enough] and therefore this issue will not be used to display the 2010 OTY Nominees and voting ballot. Instead, the 2010 OTY process will be changed, as follows…
Firstly, since the time period available for Nominee submissions (which was tied to the publication date of this issue) is now not needed, the deadline for OTY Nomination submissions is extended by about 30 days, to February 28th.
The next change is that we will return to the printed Judge’s Pamphlet for candidate viewing and voting and the pamphlets will be mailed to everyone that has (and will) submit a Nomination form in any of the accepted methods of submission (mail, email, fax and telephone).
However, possession of a Judge’s Pamphlet is not a requirement to vote and voting will remain open to all Club Members (in good standing) for the 2010 OTY Awards. However, in order to see the 2010 OTY Nominees (if you do not have a Judge’s Pamphlet) it will require visiting the Un-Official OTY Viewing Sites (on-line) via the Internet at the addresses provided below.
As an alternative, I can be contacted anytime prior to March 31st, via my cell phone (520.971.7909) and if you provide me with a mailing address I will send a Judge’s Pamphlet right out. Please note that it is my plan to mail them on or about 31 March, 2011, with a planned return date of April 18th
We certainly apologize for this last minute change, but with these modifications, every Member should still have the opportunity to vote!
In other OTY developments, we are still in search of a donation to the Club’s Permanent Collection of all Past OTY Awards, the 2009 Silver Strike of the Year, the $200 Palms, Statue of Liberty strike. If you own one and are interested in donating it to the , or offering it For Sale at a favorable price please contact me at the above number.
By now, all of the GPI gifts (noted in CCTN issue, Volume 23, Number 3) have been distributed to Club Members that submitted Nominations for the 2009 OTY Awards. We thank GPI for these gifts (key chains) and wish them well in future OTY competitions. I have also distributed a “Thank You” chip to each of the Members that submitted Nominations in the 2009 OTY Awards and while I cannot commit to a similar action this year (2010 OTY Awards) I can only recommend that every Member try to submit a Nomination form.
I look forward to hearing from every Member! To visit the Un-Official OTY Viewing Site you will need a computer with Internet access. Point your browser to:
COTY - http://www.thechipgallery.com/gallery2010?dir=COTY
TOTY - http://www.thechipgallery.com/gallery2010?dir=TOTY
SSOTY - http://www.thechipgallery.com/gallery2010?dir=SSOTY
CKOTY - http://www.thechipgallery.com/gallery2010?dir=CKOTY
Just remember, up until the Nominations are fully received and tabulated, the OTY Viewing Sites will not reflect the finalists (the top ten) and voting will not begin until the change is made.
Jim Follis
OTY Awards Chairman
Life Member 3872-53