simply the best season premiere ever including the best 1st TC with all the fireworks. We all knew russell was back for the 3 time in the last 4 seasons and Rob was back for the 4th time, but still, didnt the excitement level go up a notch when the 2 of them jump out of the chopper? I know it did for me simply becuase we know there both master strategist and manipulators.....So what happens? 2 minutes later, what seem to be a smart player from watching her video, commits the cardinal sin with the "they're sizing us up like we're pray, their trouble makers and I dont think there here just to help us out"....hey Francesca, youre right on the money....but keep it to yourself....nothing like putting the big red mark on your back 2 minutes into the Boston Rob would say later on..."Dont need her in the game". 1st rule of Survivor, keep your mouth shut for the 1st week and just go along with the crowd. Whats so hard about that? I really dont get it....havent they seen past episodes of Survivor?, or is it just their egos?...must be, cant control themselves! So here comes Kristina, who makes a subtle move to look for clues for the hidden immunity idol in the toolbox which Rob, who doesnt miss much, notices right off the bat...and goes on to say "she may be a good strategist, so I dont need her in the game"....priceless
so Kristina does go on to find the idol and the first thing she wants to do is tell someone which is franwhatshername, and then decide to form the dummy threesome and vote off Rob, only Phillip knows 3 votes wont do it so it becomes the dummy twosome which turns in to just the lone dummy when Franwhatever gets sent to Redemption Island...too bad, hated to see her go. During TC, francesca should have figured this out and to try and save herself, should have changed her vote to Kristina, I thought she was smart enough to do this even with knowing Kristina had the Idol and may play it after Phillip spilled the beans to everyone at TC.
In case you missed it the 231 times Phillip said it, hes a former federal agent....with former being the key word..scary...but hes entertaining, hope he stays around for awhile. I couldnt stop laughing at TC...the look on Rob and Jeff faces was pricless. After phillip said Kristina had the idol, Rob demands she show it to not only does she show it to him, but she hands it to him!!! I was waiting for Rob to say "thank you" and put it in his pocket! Wonder if Jeff whould have made him give it back?...LMAO
Did Rob make a mistake though? not that it really matters because Kristina will soon be gone.....but...going in to TC he had the feeling that either Franwhomever or Kristina had an Idol so with his 5some he said to split the vote, 3 each.....again, Rob the master strategist.....knowing, with all the fireworks at TC, clearly stated in case the other 5 where now confused, "I'm going to vote the way I said I would"....but now, at TC, after Phillip said he was voting for Fran? and now knowing it was Kristina who had the idol, should he have switched his vote to Kristina?..that way it would have been Kristina 4-3.....because now Kristina is still in the game WITH her idol?....but like I say...doesnt really matter..shes not long for the game.
best line of the night..toss up between Robs "i love playing against amateurs, they dont know when to keep their mouths shut"
or Franwho with "how did I get stuck with the old guy with the droopy fuchsia underwear.
Survivor, after 21 seasons, is still the best reality show.
Al Whiting...............25 Ashley Underwood
Jim Follis.................52 Phillip Sheppard
Bill Purcell...............21 Andrea Boehule
John Zoesch.............22 Matt Elrod
Bill Wiegele.............31 Mike Chiesl
Richard Jezeski.........38 Evil Russell
Marty Robbins..........36 Francesca Hogi...1st to go to R.I.
Eric Swort.................25 Stephanie Valencia
Dennis Berry.............25 Krista Klump
Ricky Pushkin............31 David Murphy
Michael Levesque.....36 Sarita White
Bob Hiestand.............35 Boston Rob
Derek Bistricky..........51 Steven Wright
Ralph Myers..............29 Grant Mattos
Robert Likes..............19 Natalie Tenerelli
Michelle Robbins......46 Kristina Kell
Mike Skelton.............50 Julie Wolfe
Paul Biggs..................44 Ralph Kiser