As Derek said I was admitted to the Hospital on Saturday Jan. 31st because I loss all feeling from the waist down. I returned home yesterday and start rehab. tommarow. I now only have about 10 percent of the feeling back and was told that I would never get my complete feeling back. They tried some shots in my back while in the hospital that hurt like hell. Like I said I start rehab tommarow for 4-6 weeks, and if rehab. does not help they may decide to do surgery but I do not know at the present time if I will go through with surgery because this is the result of a back surgery I had back in 1999. I was really going to try to make it to the convention this year, but now it looks like due to expensive medical co-pays I may have to sell all my chips, But time will tell. I have a very new lookout and feeling about cripple people because I now know first hand what it feels like. I am very blessed to have such a wonderful Wife to take care of me. I will reply to e-mails whenever I can, Thanks so so much for all the kind words and prayers that you all have posted I really do appreciate it so much and I pray that all of you stay in good health God Bless You. Charlie