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The Chip Board Archive 21

Chicago snow

They were saying yesterday that this snow may be the biggest that Chitown has gotten since 1967. The funny story about that storm is that on that day in 1967 I was 16 years old and took the train from my home in Milwaukee to Chicago to take my amateur radio liscense test. I got there with no problem and started taking the test. They came in a few minutes later and said that they were closing due to weather. I begged them to let me finish since I came from 100 miles away to take it. Of course that didn't work so I left and went to one of the nearby museums. I wandered around there for a little while when suddenly a guard came chasing after me and said they were closing and I had to leave immediately. GEEEZ! I can get there all the way from WI and they can't even keep the buildings open. So I went home on the next train and had to return the next month.

Messages In This Thread

NCR No way we are missing this Blizzard mad
NCR Kids school cancelled and
Re: NCR Kids school cancelled and
Chicago snow
It's A Blizzard In Peoria !!!!
how bad is it Marty? Its coming this way.
Re: how bad is it Marty? Its coming this way.
Another mild winter in Kelowna BC Canada Go figure
It's a blizzard here also.
Do tell Rob! grin
Yeah...pretty bad out here, too. Had to put on
Oh now, that wasn't nice...
Take care & be safe!!
Exactly why I ended up here.
Now were getting thunder snow!!
Ny Niece is in Chicago and it's bad! Same thing..
Re: NCR No way we are missing this Blizzard mad
Re: NCR No way we are missing this Blizzard mad

Copyright 2022 David Spragg