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The Chip Board Archive 21
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You are the WINNER at $188.88, Skip! E-Mail...
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ebay stuff for sale on ebay, later dude not now
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Greg Susong Memorial Award Fund AUCTION!
I doubt that I will be able to keep up, but...
Those are cool!! I'll bid $120
I have a few I can donate..add or Seperate lot?.
I'll donate a set of my 4 octogon personals..
I will also donate one of the octagonal chips
I'll ad these 3 personal octagons!...
Do I hear a bid of $200?
With all of...
What a great start it'll be for someone
Andy, Please add a set of my 2 Octagon Personals
A total of 35 Octagons in this auction now!
Not much interest in this auction!
Twist my arm! Lets go $130!
I'll bid $140
I'll go $150
OK I'll go $188.88 Skippie
You are the WINNER at $188.88, Skip! E-Mail...
What a great deal Skip...
email sent to U @ both places
Greg Susong Memorial Award Fund Auction! UPDATE
55 MINUTES left! Do I hear $200???
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