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The Chip Board Archive 21

Wes, it depends! In a perfect world...
In Response To: Chip board submissions? ()

it would be by the next day, and in some cases it is the very next day! The numbers I am seeing on a daily basis are unreal! Barry Weintraub and Albert Scalzo are unbelievable in their zeal. Luke Rapley has been phenominal, as have been others. Even the Leader, Charles Kaplan is in there adding 'submissions'.

But this is how it works...

Submissions to ChipGuide go to a webpage listing where all of the ChipGuide Admins can see what has been submitted. By "see" I mean to say that it is a listing that texually identifies who made a submission, what casino it was for, what State the casino is in and a hot link to the completed submission page.

For the most part an Admin scans the listing (for some daily, others every so often, some several times a day!) looking for scans in the assigned States. If a State is un-assigned, any Admin is welcome to add the submission to the ChipGuide as they feel available to do so. In any event, when an Admin decides to add the submission, the hot link is clicked and the submission page is opened (displayed). At that point the Admin can see if all the information submitted for that one item.

This information must then be transfered to an "update" form that is used to add items to ChipGuide. This can be a time consuming and tedious process. Keep in mind that all entered information must be copied and pasted into the other form. It is NOT an automated thing and unless you have a good memory, you must switch between the two screens many times for one item! Add to this that almost never are the submitted images centered, cropped and oriented correctly. This means that every image must be transferred to your hard drive and then edited with a graphics program. An image must be cropped, sized and background cleared and rotated . Again, this takes time.

Once all of these things are done, the Admin "adds" the item to an off-line version of the ChipGuide. Once a day (late night) Charles Kaplan 'accepts' all the adds (and changes, revisions, etc.) and allows them to move to the on-line version of ChipGuide. Note: A now automated part of this process accumulates the changes and generates an email to the subscribers to see all the new items added!

Whew!! Even though I am one of the Admins, I give a great deal of credit to the really busy Admins and Charles Kaplan! This toll (ChipGuide) is a real tangible element on the MOGH and therefore the ccgtcc . It is simply spectacular!!!

A tribute to the MOGH, the ccgtcc and Greg Susong!


Messages In This Thread

Chip board submissions?
Wes, it depends! In a perfect world...
WOW Jim, yo said a mouthfull !!
Wes, a question for you...
Re: Wes, a question for you...
Re: Wes, a question for you...
OK I just now resubmitted the image

Copyright 2022 David Spragg