There have been a few people I've contacted who have been nice enough to put a scanned image of a poker chip that was one of my Dad's. I'm his Daughter..he has long since passed away. I have seen in a post that some people may think that this is B.S. about my dad being a stick man in illegal speak easy places, but I heard the stories listening in or eavesdropping as a small child to my dad and his brothers or old friends when they visited. I am real, my dad was real. He was born in Woodstock ontario canada in 1908. Lived in Windsor Ontario Canada for some time..but also was in different parts of the states at different times. I over heard stories of smuggling alcohol to Detroit. etc..Here I am, I just want to find out if these chips are in fact, worth anything, if possible where they came from. And yes, I heard that my dad knew Al Capone too. so...I was born way after the I only know what I overheard. I would like to thank Mr. Lewin and Mr. Eisenstadt for posting the image of the poker chip for me.