Let me know if you need any of this group. Thanks for all the trades and sales.
Hard Rock Not Listed Tulsa Ok $1.00 a1 7--13 White w/HARD ROCK & Flames-Wte. $1 4 $4.00 Chipco 4 Blue
Delta Casino Not Listed Stockton Ca $1.00 a2 7--13 Blue w/Lt. Blue Oval w/Water & Sun 5 $4.00 Chipco 4Blue 8Yellow
Wildwood Not Listed Cripple Creek Co $1.00 a3 7--13 White w/Pic. Of Cripple Creek-Wte. $1 5 $4.00 Chipco 4 Lt. Gray
Red Dolly` Not Listed Black Hawk Co $1.00 a4 7--13 White w/Black Profile Of Dolly 4 $5.00 HC 1PurpleOrangeGreen
Tulip Club Unknown Unknown Unk $5.00 b1 7--13 Red w/Gold TULIP CLUB & $5 Both Side 5 $7.00 Weave
Pechanga Resort CG 20493 Temucla Ca 5 NCV b2 7--13 Pink Oversized w/Wte. Ctr-5 No Cash Val. 5 $10.00 House 2 Blue 2 Pink
MC Unknown Unknown Unk ND b3 7--13 Blue w/M Over C-Both Sides Obsolete Closed 3 $7.00 Plain Inlaid
Hard Rock Lammer Tampa Fl Lammer b4 7--13 Clear Plastic Lammer 3 $4.00 Plastic
Cactus Jack's Sen. Cl. N 4974 Carson City Nv $5.00 c1 7--13 Red w/Gold Hot Stamp-Both Sides Obsolete Closed 97 2 $29.00 HC 3Orange 3White
Grand Casino CG 08910 Biloxi Ms 5 NCV c2 7--13 Fushia w/Gold Stamp-Name & 5 NCV Obsolete Katrina 8/05 3 $10.00 HC
VZ or ZV Unknown Unknown Unk ND c3 7--13 Blue w/V & Z Interlocked Obsolete Closed 4 $8.00 SmKey
Grand Casino CG 03718 Biloxi Ms 100 NCV c4 7--13 Gray 100 NCV w/Gold Hot Stamp Obsolete Katarina 8/05 4 $15.00 HC
Expertise International School Sacramento Ca 25 NCV d1 7--13 Green w/Gold Stamp-Dealers School Obsolete Closed 5 $15.00 LgKey
Lighthouse Point CG 02452 Greenville Ms Rou. d2 7--13 Orange w/Gold Hot Stamp w/A 3 $5.00 HHR
Colorado Belle V 2300 Laughlin Nv $1.00 d3 7--13 Blue&White w/Gold Insert 3 $4.00 HouseMold 12Blue8Red
Sahara Tahoe N 1029 Lake Tahoe Nv ND d4 7--13 Blue w/Gold Hot Stamp Obsolete Closed 83 5 $14.00 DiCar
Royal Caribbean RCI029.00 Cruise Cruise $1.00 e1 7--13 VIKING SERENADE-Grn. w/Horn of Plen 4 $6.00 Chipco
Rendezvous N 2042 Las Vegas Nv $5.00 e2 7--13 Red w/Coin Center Obsolete Closed 78 4 $19.00 DiCar 3 Brown
Cotton Club, The ILL-Not Listed Chowchilla Ca $5.00 e3 7--13 Maroon w/White Ctr.-Blk. Ltrs. & $5 Obsolete Closed 5 $15.00 Weave 3 Grey
Boulevard Casino CCG-180BC Coquitlam BC Canada $2.50 e4 7--13 Pink w/Wte. Ctr.-Green Spade-Blk. Ltrs. 5 $6.00 Bjones 4 White