To date, we have received over twenty nomination forms for the inaugural Greg Susong Memorial Award that will be presented, with Greg's family in attendance, at this year's convention. There are a total of eight nominees so far...some very deserving members!!
The nominees garnering the most nominations will be included on a ballot to be mailed to ALL members with the next club magazine. This ballot will provide the nominees names as well as a brief description of their contributions in 2010.
Thank you to those that have already mailed in your nominations & remember that you still have time to send yours to me, either via snail mail or by scanning your completed form & e-mailing it to me at . could just send me an e-mail to the same address providing your name, membership number, the name of the person that you're nominating & why this person is deserving of this award.
Thank you.
Steve Bedo
Membership Oficer