Please keep in mind that the "OTY site" is an Un-Official site and the fact that not all issuances are posted there is perhaps THE major reason why it is characterized that way, i.e., "un-official".
Once upon a time the Club's publication of the Casino Chip and Token News (CCTN) was the best tool to know what new releases of chips and tokens were made in a previous year, but it seems that our authorship has changed. Gone are the area update articles from Janice O'Neal (Nevada) and Greg Susong (Indian/Riverboats), which is part of why I created the Un-Official Viewing sites.
However, the un-official viewing site is a self-serve, contributor supported site and all I can do is periodocally ask for submissions. While I am gratefull to the steady contributors, it would be a superior product if more people took advange of the easy up-load capability.
Michael, I thank you for this comment and I am especially thnakful for your submission of that dual monkey Stellaris chip!! I love it!!!
ps. Link to site is below.