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The Chip Board Archive 21

Definition of herd of turtles grin

"Any group of slow moving idiots in front of you who are taking up the entire pathway, making it impossible for you to pass them. Different than a blockage in that these idiots are actually moving (although WAY too slowly) and they are oblivious to the fact that they’re inconsiderate as hell."

So does that mean that my magazine is behind the turtles somewhere? vbg

Messages In This Thread

YIKES!! That WAS fast!! vbg (Other than the part
Re: YIKES!! That WAS fast!! vbg (Other than the
Faster'n a herd of turtles!! rofl
my mailman photo
vbg You're Going To Be A Perfect Fit
Definition of herd of turtles grin
Hey Steve. THANKS again for your hard work....
You're welcome...and thanks for the thanks grin

Copyright 2022 David Spragg