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Re: ccgtcc Calendar Entry of the Day!...

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did you pick your date and chip for the club calendar?

PLEASE post your answer and I will add it to this link.

vbg Having fun because of all the people that worked on this FANTASTIC calendar, Steve vbg

Steve Passalacqua CH-044, LM-214 August 8th. That day was our first date in 1970. I picked this very cool CREST & SEAL chip because it had a S&C for Steve & Cathy.

Cathy Passalacqua CH-044-A November 11th. Cathy and I play a little game with the digital clock. Twice a day it shows 11:11 and the first person that sees that time shouts 4 ACES and wins a that-a-boy/girl. She found this chip with 4 ACES for 11/11 but told me this year is really 6 Aces.

Sunday Silverman LM 5757-120 January 20th. that's my birthday. The chip is a very special one because it's from where I work and was difficult to get. I got it in a trade session at a Super Show from Jim Fredrickson. Right after that show he announced that he was sick. He passed soon after. It will always be special to me.

Alan Ferrante March 22nd. Alan's birthday - How could we pass up an 'Al' chip. Alan is the loving spouse of a committed chip collector, me! (Sunday Silverman)

MIke Vuolo R-8145 February 15th. 2-15 my BD and favorite Illegal chip

Dave Hepburn R-7299 February 26th. is my birthday and the KY CLUB chip was a new find for me and it made me very happy to contribute something new to the hobby and because of this I made a whole lot of new friends and my Illegal collection grew tremendously

Sarah Bedo #R-7575 January 4th. is my daughter's birthday & she is just like the chip provided for her birthday -- a little "different". Glad you liked the calendar & thanks for the post, BUDDY!!!! Bedo

R. Joseph "Hotrod" Myers LM-3957-57. June 1st. That's my birthday, and the car on the chip (1930 Ford Tudor sedan) was owned by me when the chip was made.

Charles Bianco R 8024 August 3rd. I picked August 3rd to Remember my Fathers Birthday. I Picked the Silver Strike with the American Flag, In Memory of Our Nations Hero's Because he Served In the U.S. Army, Retired from NYC Fire Department as a Fireman and also served in Several Casino's as Security Supervisor and was also a Policeman. He is my Hero, Rest in peace Dad.

Marc Shapiro LM 2871-142 September 10th. is my birthday. My Chip Is the Hard Rock $25 Rolling Stones. While it is a common chip, it is safe to say I was one of the few (if any) Club Members at the show. From Hanging out with Rock stars & celebrities, to Dining with Casino Executives. A very memorable Vegas Weekend.

Chuck Larson R-8075 June 12th. It was the day I proposed to my wife......and the chip was our first Z-valued chip until the chip rack reclassified the dig chips!!!

Paul Biggs R-6744 December 28th. My wife's birthday. I selected the Player's Island, one of the earlier St. Louis casinos, Grand Opening chip because we spent many evenings playing video poker at the bar while enjoying all of the tropical fish swimming in the massive aquarium that extended along the back bar.

Kevin Aydelott LM 5522-98 January 19th. It's my birthday and the Aladdin $100 chip is my favorite. It looks like it may be Marty Robbins' favorite chip also on December 3rd. I hope next year we can pick more than one date.

Mark Cotton R-5355 September 9th. The Harley's Silver Dollar is just a favorite. 9/09/90 - Easy to remember, huh? My license plate is 9990 and my wife's is 090990. Non-accountants think mine is some sort of IRS form number or that I'm an upside-down devil worshipper.

Paul Liscio LM-2949-198 June 18th. is my birthday. Caesars Palace is my favorite hotel/casino

Greg Galloway R-4061 April 10th. I collect chips related to golf. Chips that have pictures/scenes of golf courses golf clubs, golfers, 19th hole, golf flags, golf chips from actual golf courses, casino chips that have a view of a golf course, etc...many casino chips feature golf themes, pictures, etc.. So if you have any "golf" related chips you want to sell, please send me an email with a scan..btw I Love Golf!!I choose April 10th as this is Sunday at the Masters in 2011. My favorite golf tournament!! Greg

Brent J. Jensen, R-8007 September 21st. is my Birthday... Sands $20 jeton because it is one of my favorite $20s: not only is it an iconic graphic from a classic casino, but it's hot pink, which makes it one of my daughter's favourites in the collection. Brent J. Jensen

Pam G. #R-3432 May 10th. is our wedding anniversary, a Las Vegas Club chip because that's where we spent our wedding night (and where I hit two royal flushes on our wedding day). I thought about using the chip below (because of the hearts) , but decided the one-armed bandit would scan "prettier" (no way I was going to clean this one, and risk messing up the hot stamp!)

Caleb Nolley R 8094 June 20th. as its my birthday and the Comstock chip as it has lots of color and has always caught my attn as just a cool looking chip...

Dennis Shoop LM 6060-160 October 23rd. and the chip.... is the Landmark $1 Building chip pictured below the Best chip in my Collection !

Makhi Willams Dennis Shoop's grandson July 17th. is Makhi's Birthday and his chip .... the Dunes Sultan $1 is his favorite!

Al Whiting, LM-5856-194 April 17. BD Choice of chip is obvious

Roy Brennan February 20th. 2/20 is Ruby's birthday!!! Wagon Wheel was my first job in Nevada......Quite awhile after that chip was issued though!!!!!

Riverboat Rick (IL) LM-3113-84 September 17th. Simple, My Birthday, My favorite chip!

Joel Bloom R-8085 January 27th. Boring Answer, but 1/27 is My Birthday I also collect JB Chips..I have about a dozen of them. The one showed is my very favorite one, but I have no idea what cardroom it is from..if anyone has an idea, please let me know..

Irwin'doc'Gross R-130 May 25th. The chip is one of my favorites- I use it on Poker Stars & one of the most valuable that I own

Thomas Dixon (R-7788)- June 7th. I chose June 7th because it's my birthday and I also chose the Las Vegas $5 Big Wheel chip because it is one of my "more affordable" purchases in the chip collecting realm, not to mention it is somewhat festive for a birthday (I know... I should have used "Circus Circus" or the "Boardwalk" chips). Regards, Thomas

Fred DeKeyser (IL) R-6696 June 23rd. Julie & Fred Our wedding anniversary and my favorite chip.

"MR SPLASHBAR" LM1121-157MA CCCC-06 April 29th. 4/29 is my B-Day & I Luv $5 4 Queens

Frank Steward R-6933 August 22nd. Haven't received my calendar yet, but I picked the date because it's my Birthday and the chip because it's one of my favorites from one of my favorite casinos to collect from.

Butch Reynolds R-3594 April 16th. That date is my birthday. I picked that chip because I opened this card room and operated it for several years. I designed the chip. It is one of my favorites.

Dave Trevett, R-7889 December 15th. I orginally wanted my birthday, Dec. 20th. It was taken, so I picked Dec. 15th, my fathers birthday, and dedicated the closest AC chip to us, which was Sandy Hook Lighthouse, 5 miles away, and we spent a lot of time there.

Neal Silverman November 5th. is my birthday and is my favorite roulette chip

Bob Ciancia R8131 January 6th. is my birthday and it's my favorite chip.

Robert Rohrbough R-8132 March 8th. Easy, My birthday & my favorite chip.

Christine & Sheldon Smith/LM 82-83 April 4th - The day we met in 1986!

Erik Dauplaise R-8053 March 24th. Tarl Cooley's birthday - mine too. The Stardust & its sign meant Las Vegas to me before I ever visited. First CIC chip I ever collected & sadly one of many demolished old LV casinos

Albert Scalzo LM2995-2 November 30th. 11/30, My birthday ! ! ! 10 more days.

Phyllis117 March 13th. ~ my birthday... and the chip is one of my favorites.

Robert Reno LM2878-154 May 9th. My B-D and favorite 2.50 chip.

Casey Focazio-Follis February 3rd Birthday. Favorite chip

Jim Follis LM 3872-53 July 29th, Birthday. $1,000 Sahara Plaque was a special gift from my wife.

Robert “Smitty” Smith R-7638 May 29th I picked the date because it is my birthday and the chip because it is one of my favorite Seymour coded Antique chips

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Re: ccgtcc Calendar Entry of the Day!...

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