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The Chip Board Archive 21

TITO question for Jim Noll or anyone

I saw in the Club Magazine the 4 folded "unissued" TITOs
and it "showes how you can get four different back types from a single machine"
BUT does not show you how! is there a way?
Is there a way to make the machine spit out 4 unissued TITOs?
I really dont play in the casino (and now it shows grin ) so i would not know.
I occassionally walk through a riverboat to pick up cards and Titos when i get chips and thats it.

Messages In This Thread

TITO question for Jim Noll or anyone
vbg Sometimes when the tech is loading.....
Re: vbg thanks Larry!
Re: vbg thanks Larry!
Re: TITO question for Jim Noll or anyone
Re: TITO question for Jim Noll or anyone
Re: TITO question for Jim Noll or anyone
Thanks Bob! that makes sense. TY grin

Copyright 2022 David Spragg