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The Chip Board Archive 21

for sale Illinois Illegals for sale

One other older lot...

Seems that the area of Decatur (in particular) and Clinton, IL had plenty of gambling going on in the early 1930's including a cluster of operations around Merchant Street/Main Street in Decatur.

Gordon E. Smith and Charles Orville "Eph" Gammon seem to be the guys that ran the operations, with a variety of 'fall guys' to order their chips and do their dirty work (sounds just like Mr Binion in Texas)

Smith ran his main operation at the Federal Bakery, 124-1/2 Merchant Street, Decatur, and the top row of 4 chips in the scan were all used there. The GES chips were shipped to Smith, the OCC and TW to his accomplices Oscar Chapman & Thomas W Stockton. Ive shown the GES chips although I dont have any for sale.

Diagonally across the quadrant, "Eph" Gammon operated at the Coney Island Restaurant, 107-1/2 Main St. He used the 107 in diamond chips and the KHK shipped c/o Raymond Robert Hudgens to the same address.

After Gammon's place at 107-1/2 East Main was raided, he moved his operation outside the city limits to Lake Decatur for a while. Gaming took place at "Gammon's Lake Cottage", which seems more like a mansion given its description in a subsequent arrest report - in particular "described as the nearest approach to a Monte Carlo since the heyday of Joe Yates' time". He ran this operation with Charles Rubin. The tri-ball mold O&C/R&G being Orville & Charles/Rubin & Gammon.

At the same time, David Howard Server (HS) was busy operating at the Clinton Billiards Hall (also apparently a whorehouse), Macon St, Clinton, IL.
The 3 HS mold chips were used there, along with the FN hub mold, shipped to George W. Newberry (whose nickname may have been 'Frosty') at the same place. Only one FN chip available for sale.

Chips are available as follows, first come first served.....
All prices include shipping.

TW - two chips only left - $12 each
107 - just the one chip left - $15

O&C/R&G is $8

Yellow HS and green cord mold chips are $10 each, green hub mold is $7 or set of 3 HS for $25

Email me or post here if interested.

Messages In This Thread

for sale Illinois Illegals for sale
SOLD - 1 green cord mold chip
Re: for sale Take one of everything for sale
That is $60 for 6 chips
David, sent you an unrelated email @ the zen. addy
David,send me one of what is availble
Re: for sale Illinois Illegals for sale
Re: for sale Illinois Illegals for sale

Copyright 2022 David Spragg