1. LA Dodgers Andy Huges
2.Milwaukee Ralph Myers
3.Texas Paul Biggs
4. Kansa City Todd Buechler not heard from
5. Chicago Cubs Irwin Gross Heard from but no chip yet
6. San Francisco Kevin Aydelott
7.Seattle Steve Blust
8. Oakland Marc Shapiro
9. Chicago White Sox Stu Lovett not heard from
10.Colorado Barry Hauptman heard from chip is in the mail
11.Arizona Eric Swort
12 San Diego Judy Wuerth
13.NY Yankees Phil Doroskio
14. Atlanta Fred Bergman
15 St. Louis
Dan Cooley
16. Boston Marc Heiman not heard from
17. Minnesota Mark Rollo
18.Pittsburgh Jay Wriggins
19. NY Mets Fred Hempel
Thanks to all you guys & the lone lady Yankees fan