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The Chip Board Archive 21

grin NCR ~ Sunday Humor (Mature)... 12:00 Mid.,EDT

Three nuns die in a car crash and are incinerated. They arrive at
the pearly gates to be told by St. Peter that they are a week early
and can't enter heaven for another week.

The nuns are a bit peeved about this as they have lead virtuous
lives, so St. Peter offers to make it up to them by sending them
back to earth for a week as anyone they like since they can't go
back to their own bodies.

So they can have another week on earth without their actions
being recorded in the great ledger against them. The nuns talk
it over for a little while then agree.

The first nun asks to be sent back as Marilyn Monroe. St. Peter
smiles and sends her off.

The second asks to be sent back as Brigitte Bardot. With a wink,
St. Peter sends her off.

The last, a small Italian nun looks up to St. Peter and asks to be
sent back as Sarah Pipeleeny.

St. Peter has a look in the Great Ledger but cannot find any Sarah

He explains to last nun that if Sarah Pipeleeny has never existed then
the nun can't go back to earth.

The little nun insists and offers to prove it to St. Peter. She pulls out
a very old battered copy of the Times, unfolds it and gives it to St.
Peter who reads: Sahara Pipeline laid by100 men in one week.


Copyright 2022 David Spragg