The FB lazy diamond that is attributable to Frank Bohart is much different, the letters are closer for one and the chips are well used. The FB you are looking at our from an estate I believe their last name started with a B but this doesn't prove anything. But this is all my opinion but I do have the attribution for the Frank Bohart chips I have posted.
As you can see the only similarity in the chip is that they both have FB as the HS and they are both lazy diamond mold. But I can not say with certainty that the FB chips he found are not Frank Bohart but it would be really hard to prove.
John you got yours from em at last years convention as well as a number of others.
This is what the seller on eBay told me when I asked him where he got them from which is probaly all we will ever know about them.
"The chips were found at an the Gerald Blumberg estate auction in Cincinnati in 2008. Mark Blumberg was heir and executor. The late Mr. Blumberg was an avid collector of fine art and had accumulated quite a nice estate. My wife found and bought these chips in a box lot for me. She found out later that there was another box or two in another box lot that someone else bought. It had pink chips. Probably a 600-700 chip set. Pretty many for just a family poker set, but the "B" could be for Blumberg?."