Today we have the Horseshoe from Reno, who had probably the most interesting way to implement the red-white-blue motif of the Bicentennial:
I believe this chip remains probably the most available and affordable of the Bicentennial chips, being readily available on , occasionally by the box. It's also an interesting philosophical point to ponder: for all intents and purposes, it's virtually the same chip as the Thunderbird Bicentennial (save that the latter mixed the red blue together on both sides of the chip, rather than separating them on opposing sides, and different stamping on the metal inlay), though the Thunderbird would probably command somewhere around 700-1000x the price/value of this chip. Simple economics of supply and demand says I, until my wife, seeing me salivate over the recent
auction of the Thunderbird, asks me with a quizzical look (having seen my Horseshoe chip before), "Don't you already have that one?"
. I carefully explain the differences and the rarity (and thus desirability) of the Thunderbird, and get the follow-up question, "Okay, but it still looks pretty much the same as the one you already have, right?".
Ah, there are certain things that non-chippers will never understand; which of course makes the sorry likes of us a little crazy to them.
Brent J. Jensen
orbis non sufficit