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The Chip Board Archive 21

grin NCR ~ Friday Humor (Mature)... 12:47 AM, EDT

It isn't that often that I receive jokes about blonde men...

Three blond men are out fishing one afternoon talking about this and that,
when one of the men says, "You know, my wife did the strangest thing the
other day. She came home with 100 lbs of meat. I only say this is strange
because we're vegetarians and don't eat meat."

One of the other men says, "You think that's weird? My wife came home
with 100 lbs of dog food the other day. I don't know what in the hell she
was thinking. We don't even own a dog and I'm allergic to dogs."

The third blond man says, "Well, you think that's weird? I've got both of
you beat. My wife recently won a cruise and she's going with some female
friends. So, she was out shopping the other day getting ready for this cruise
and she came home with 100 condoms. She doesn't even have a Willie."


Copyright 2022 David Spragg