I found this scan/photo on the UNLV website a few years ago (when I was working on the 1930's article for the CCTN). I saved it, because the bits and pieces that I could decipher were intriguing to me . I tried to transcribe it, as best as I could... (still really don't know what the mayor's name was
, and not curious enough to try to find out
, also not sure that Commissioner Hansell's name was really Hansell
, but I did my best
So that you don't have to go cross-eyed (like I did) here's my version of approximately what it says (I bolded the really important part):
APRIL 6th, 1931.
Minutes of a recessed regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the City
of Las Vegas, held of the 6th day of April 1931 at the hour of three o’clock P.M.
Present Mayor Hesse, Commissioners Thomas, and German together with the City
Attorney and Clerk.
Absent Commissioners Smith and Manuell.
At this time and ordinance entitled “An Ordinance of the City of Las Vegas
Regulating the erection, Construction, Enlargement, Alteration, Repair, Moving, removal,
Demolition, ??????????, Occupancy, Equipment, ???, Height, Area, and Maintenance of all (houses?)
buildings and/or structures in the City of Las Vegas; providing for the issuance of Permits
and collection of fees thereafter; providing penalties for the violation thereof; declaring
and establishing Fire Zones; Repealing Ordinances Nos. 144-27-59-61 and 72 of the City of
Las Vegas and all ordinances and parts of ordinances in conflict therewith,* was brought
before the Board for a second reading, and was passed by the following vote: Commissioners German, and Thomas and Mio Miner the Mayor voting Aye. Noes none.
The Clerk was directed to haveamid aforementioned ordinances published for the
Week, six issues, in the Las Vegas Evening Review-Journal a daily newspaper printed and
published in the City of Las Vegas. Said Ordinance to be in full force and effect from ???
after its complete publication.
No further business appearing before the Board at this time the meeting recessing
Until Tuesday the 7th day of April at the hour of three o’clock P.M.
??J.D. House??
(someone’s signature)
APRIL 7th, 1931.
Minutes of a recessed regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the
City of Las Vegas, held of the 7th day of April 1931 at the hour of three o’clock P.M.
Present Mayor Hesse, Commissioners Thomas, and German, Smith and Hansell together with the City Attorney and Clerk.
On motion of Commissioners Hanwell seconded by Commissioner Thomas it was
moved that the “Electrical Ordinance,” presented at a previous meeting be laid over in
a recessed meeting to be held in the near future. Vote on said motion was as follows:
Commissioners Thomas, German, Smith and Hansell, and His Honor the Mayor voting Aye.
Noes none.
At this time, the Board of Commissioners considered the gaming licenses
that had been filed with the Clerk.
The application of Ethel W. Ganther, and C.J. Mackey for the operation
of slot machines were laid over because they were not presented on proper forms.
J.M. Beyer, and Jack Butler’s applications for gaming licenses were
also laid over because of not being presented on proper forms.
Upon motion of Commissioner Smith seconded by Commissioner Thomas it was
moved that a gaming license be granted to the Boulder Club at 118 Fremont St; Said
application being in proper form, and the amounts needed for the operation of the tables
accompanying the application.
Vote on said motion was as follows: Commissioners Thomas, German, Smith,
and Hansell and His Honor the Mayor Nease, voting Aye. Noes None.
On motion of Commissioner Smith seconded by commissioner German it was
moved that a license be granted to the Las Vegas Club 21 and 23 Fremont Street. Said
application being in proper form, and the amounts needed for the operation of the tables
accompanying said application.
Vote on said motion was as follows: Commissioners Thomas, German, Smith,
And Hansell and His Honor the Mayor J.F. Hesse, voting Aye. Noes None.
On motion of Commissioner Hansell seconded by Commissioner Thomas it was
moved that a gaming license be granted A.T. McCarter, at the Exchange Club, 123 South First
Street. Said application being in proper form, and the required amount of money being on
file with the City Clerk.
Vote on said Motion was as follows: Commissioners Thomas, German,
Smith and Hansell, and his Honor the Mayor voting Aye. Noes, None.
On motion of Commissioner Hansell, seconded by Commissioner Smith it was
moved that a gaming license be granted to Stocker and Morgan at the Northern Club 15 Fremont
Street. Said application being in propere form, and the required amount of money being on
file with the Clerk.
Vote on said motion was as follows: Commissioners Thomas, German, Smith
and Hansell, and His Honor the Mayor voting Aye. Noes none.
The matter of granting further licenses was next brought before the
Board and a member of citizens appeared before the board in favor of granting more licenses
Among them were A.W. Ham, C.C. Beggs, E.F. Dupars and A.J.????.
A number of citizens also appeared before the Board asking that the
district be ?zoned? for the gambling house, and a limit sen. These citizens included
A.J. ?????, J.B.Witcher, Dr. W.?. Park, A.C. Dolnis, Dr. Martin, N.A.Stinteen, and F.A.Simmons.
After a lengthy discussion the following resolution was introduced and duly passed;
The motion of Commissioner Thomas, seconded by Commissioner Hansell the following
????? was duly adopted:
Resolved, That this Board of City Commissioners of the City of Las Vegas not grant any
gaming licenses except to those places of business that held gambling licenses in the pre-
vious quarter, and that new licenses not be considered until a ???? is established for the
?????? of gambling licenses, and a policy is adopted by the Board governing the issuance of
new licenses.
Vote on said Resolution was as follows: Commissioners Thomas, German, Hansell and Smith
voting Aye. His Honor the Mayor J.F. Hesse, voting no.
No further business appearing before the Board at this time, the meeting recessed until
Thursday the 9th day of April 1931 at the hour of three o’clock P.M.
APRIL 9th, 1931.
At a recessed regular meeting of the Board of Commissioners of the City of Las
Vegas, held of the 9th day of April at the hour of three o’clock P.M.
Present Mayor Hesse, Commissioners Thomas, German, Hansell and Smith together with
the City Attorney and Clerk.
To bids for the purchasing of the $10,000.00 Highway Bonds being on file with the
City Clerk, and the members of the Board being present being sufficient to act on the
(?adopting?) of the bids same were opened.
Bid from the First State Bank of the City of Las Vegas being as follows:
Bid par plus 6% interest.
Bid of Bank of Southern Nevada, of the City of Las Vegas being as follows:
Bid par, and accrued interest, and rate of interest set at 5 ½%.
There fore upon motion of Commissioners Hansell seconded by Commissioners German
it was moved that the bid of the Bank of Southern Nevada be accepted, and that the City
Attorney prepare the transcript for the bonds.
Vote on said motion was as follows: Commissioners Thomas, German, Smith and Hansell
and His Honor the Mayor J.F. Hesse, voting Aye. Noes none.
The Clerk was directed to have said bonds prepared by the Rocky Mountain Bank
???? Company, as its price for the preparation of the bonds was the most reasonable re-
At this time, a number of the citizens being present the Board again entered
???? the granting of gaming licenses, and placing a zone. After some discussion the
following Resolution was introduced:
On motion of Commissioner Thomas, seconded by Commissioner Hansell the follow-
ing Resolution was duly accepted:
Resolved that until the further order of this Board it be and is hereby established
as the policy of this Board that no further gambling licenses be granted except those already granted for this quarter, and to those who held gambling licenses for the immediately pre-
ceding quarter; provided that this Resolution shall not be construed to prevent the consid-
eration of an application for and the granting of a license to a person of the Ethopian Race
for the conduct of a game or games in a place catering exclusively to persons of the same
race only.