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The Chip Board Archive 20

Re: I heard you'd volunteered for the job

I did, but they said Nevada Gaming has rules against nudity on chips.

Yeah, book two was pretty darned good, but as you'll soon discover, books 3,4 and 5 progressively get better and better and better. Those are nothing less then great. J.A. Konrath really has the ability to come up with some totally sick and twisted villians. You're really in for a ride now.

I'm ready to start on book 6. Listening on the way to work doesn;tget me very far very fast during my tedious four minute drive to the office. I'll be heading up to Port Huron Michgan probaby next week so I'll start it then. I'll also be flying out of Detroit from San Antonio, TX the week after that so I'll get a few more hours done then. You might soon catch up to me.

For those trying to follow..... We're talking about audio books (books on cd). There is a series of books by JA Konrath featuring a female detective in the Chicago Police depatment's violent crime division. The lead character is Lt. Jack (Jaqueline) Daniels.

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new release Circus Circus Las Vegas $1 new release
Circus Circus pic shows both sides
Nice! I'll be there next Sunday grin
I'll take one
I'll take 2 Circus Circus Las Vegas $1 new release
Please let me know if you have 2 for me and
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It's been 10 years since the last $1.00 chip....
I heard you'd volunteered for the job
Re: I heard you'd volunteered for the job

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