The TV host explained to Jim-Bob: "I will sing a song and leave one word out. You must say the correct word and spell it. Here it is: Old McDonald had a...?"
Jim-bob answers, "Cow, I spell it: C-O-W."
The host says, "You spelled cow right, but that isn't the right word."
"OK, Bubba, now your turn," says the Quiz master, "Old MacDonald had a...?"
Bubba answers, "Pig and I spell it: P-I-G."
The host grimaces, "Well, again like Jim-Bob, you spelled it right, but pig wasn't the answer I'm looking for."
"Well, Hank, for the $50,000 question: Old McDonald had a...?"
Hank yells out "Farm!"
The TV host gets excited and says, "Excellent Hank, now, for $50,000, please spell it."
With a big grin, Hank answers: "E-I-E-I-O."