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The Chip Board Archive 20

NCR Kind of funny related story... grin

My daughter was in a theatre production at college & today was the final show. The show consisted of several "one-acts". When the earthquake happened (it was a long rolling process), the actors continued on true to the "the show must go on" anthem without as much as a hiccup. The funny thing was that this particular "one-act" was about a family affected by the Chilean earthquake.

Okay...guess you had to be there.... grin


Messages In This Thread

Earthquake Shakes S. California
very Strong here in San Diego
Leapin' Lizards!
Hang on Todd, beer tomorrow
LOL, I'm already on my third Greg! ;-)
Hope Everyone Is OK
Re: very Strong here in San Diego
Re: Earthquake Shakes S. California
Re: Earthquake Shakes S. California
Sorry For Your Loss, My Condolences
So very sorry to learn about your loss, Dick!
Very sorry to hear this , my condolences
So Very Sorry Dick,,,, Take care,,,
Dick, so very sorry to hear
Very sorry for your loss, very sad.
Very sorry to hear of your loss. My Condolences.
NCR Kind of funny related story... grin
Very strange indeed..!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg