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The Chip Board Archive 20

Re: It's obvious all you want to do is complain.

No, John the EMPLOYEES and SUPPLIERS of Walmart want to COMPLAIN. The Walmart Executives and the Shoppers could care LESS whose pocket is picked or who is exploited.

Once Walmart gains market share, it calls the shorts, be it legal, illegal, ethical or unethical, they have the power. You and other shoppers support that power by your allegiances. Cheap prices often come from better technology, other times they come as a result of coercion and exploitation. Walmart uses them ALL to keep YOU happy.

And you are DELIGHTED so far, so I assume you condone the methods they use.

Messages In This Thread

Buy American USA (NCR) a bit long
USA ...and from "(NCR)" to (CR):
The answer is.....
I'll have to phone Glenn Beck to see what he says~
Re: Buy American USA (NCR) a bit long
Re: B I N G O
Re: Granted
Re: Granted
Re: Granted
Re: Granted
Re: Granted
I'm not so sure
Re: I'm not so sure
Re: I'm not so sure
My wife and I both drive Toyota's
Re: Buy American USA (NCR) a bit long
Don't feel too bad, our Fine Wines are improving
"... most beautiful women in the whole wide world"
Re: Buy American USA (NCR) a bit long
Ross, I agree to a point
I only agree 50% wit da Jersey boy...
39ยข Bananas....
sad 44-cents a pound at Walmart and ~~~
Gotta' Watch out for those "Banana Bar" Floosies!
Yes, "CHEAP" prices -- BUT quality as well.
Re: Yes, "CHEAP" prices -- BUT quality as well.
Reason SOME people have no H'care Ins... Walmart
Unemployment? Walmart
Will a Walmart MONOPOLY benefit the USA?
Re: Unemployment? Walmart
AND I am Unemployeed TOO!! hahaha
It's Funny John
Where is Slave Labor when you need it John?
Mike, that is not normal. Please control yourself.
"Funny..."? You call that rubbish fact?
Re: "Funny..."? You call that rubbish fact?
It's obvious all you want to do is complain.
Re: It's obvious all you want to do is complain.
Quality was NOT the point John...
Feel FREE to DEBUNK my Post (w/FACTS ONLY)
I know the FACTS, Mike ~~~
It was my point, Mike.
WOW... Now all Walmart shoppers are bad people.
Re: WOW... Now all Walmart shoppers are bad people
I'm glad your meds kicked in
Spoken Like a True Democrat John
I have the facts that I need, but you just keep
Bless us with the facts
You are one BIG complainer.
Re: Bless us with the facts
Re: Bless us with the facts
And I'm happy that you're happy
Is E_V_E_R_Y_B_O_D_Y happy..?
Bob, John DID just disclose all the FACTS...
John left out one important fact ....
Re: It's Funny John
You are in rage. Calm down.
100% Agree Robert!

Copyright 2022 David Spragg