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The Chip Board Archive 20
As I said
In Response To:
Phone Glenn Beck; he certainly will know.
As I said, I did not know and didn't report it as fact.
Now having done a bit of research, I see that they are not getting a raise this year and are stuck with a mere $174,000 per year
Messages In This Thread
Thinking Out Loud
I notice Nancy Grace not only mentions number ~~~
Again you aren't paying attention
I'll only tell you that my meds set me back $4 ~~~
Ever hear of Socialism
Everytime the GOP does not like something.
What is anyone supposed to think...
Wait 'till the next shoe drops ..
Re: Wait 'till the next shoe drops ..
Re: Ever hear of Socialism Security Check; monthly
Re: Ever hear of Socialism Security Check; monthly
Incorrect Robert
Bob, Have you been watching Glenn Beck, again?
I switch
Those Monies were wisly used
Where will the money come from?
Re: Those Monies were wisly used
John many people who are very well off do not
Fred, not rare at all.
...and even more refreshing; not a one of us has
Re: ...and even more refreshing; not a one of us h
Phone Glenn Beck; he certainly will know.
As I said
Re: Ever hear of Socialism Security Check; monthly
Re: Ever hear of Socialism Security Check; monthly
They don't control it
Re: They don't control it
I'd like to see your personal answers...
I'm willing to go the increase = to and even + ~~~
What tax or fee is an option?
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