
Seeing that we are on war stories let me tell you mine-I left Canada in 1965 cause I had heard Calif was paved with GOLD-well I got a job in a Discount Dept Store in Stocken, CA and was soon promoted to Asst Mgr. The early fall- and I think it was 1966 a salesman came in and offered me a job to sell/distribute Veg-O-Matic on the West coast@.50 cents per and I could hire anyone who also would be paid .50 a unit without cutting into my pay, plus bonus over 1M units. Well I took a look at that piece of plastic and said-he knows I came here by Bus not by boat-laughed and said "no thanks" needless to say anyone who was around-guess what my haul whould have been for-Calif,NV,Oregon,Arizona, Wash States.No prize offerred but it would make a good contest and make me sick all over again.