The definition of "hate" below does not appear to be consistent with some people's stating of what their version of "hate" is.
Hatred (or hate) is an intense feeling of dislike. It may occur in a wide variety of contexts, from hatred of inanimate objects or animals, to hatred of other people, entire groups of people, people in general, existence, or everything; themselves (misanthropy; self-loathing).
As for political cartoons and jokes about President Obama there have cartoons and jokes of presidents, since there have been presidents. Get over it.
As for hate of the president, because he is black, that's nonsense. But, he is black and so far, in my opinion, he has not done a very good job. Because he is not very popular and his ratings are diminishing, immediately his supporters scream "racism" or "hate" anytime someone speaks against him or makes a negative comment. Probably because they now realize themselves he is not what they expected him or his staff to be.
I don't hate him but, I do have anger and hostility towards him as the president and what he is doing to our country. A true American, especially the leader of a country, would be proud to honor the flag and be the first to put his hand over his heart to repeat the pledge of allegiance.
I don't hate persons of radical Islamic faith, but I do have anger and hostility against them when they try to kill me, my family, or my fellow Americans. If you feel differently, perhaps you are residing in the wrong country yourself.
I don't hate persons that immigrate to this country and salute each and every one of them completes the legal format to do so. But, I do have anger and hostility against them when they infringe on my rights as an American and expect me or other Americans to ignore what they are doing to the infrastructure of this country. Furthermore, if they want to reside in this country, then learn to speak the language as adopted by the founders of our land and as adopted by law and support themselves instead of depending on us to support them.
I don't hate mothers of multiple children when they have fallen on bad times for whatever the reason. But, I do have anger and hostility towards those mothers that are careless and only have children because they get money from us, the American Citizens, to support themselves or whatever "bad habit" they may be afflicted with. We all know in these situations, the children are always the ones to suffer.
Additionally, I'm a firm believer that there are multiple jobs most persons receiving support from our great country could do to repay the American Taxpayer. I'm also a firm believer, persons that are receiving total support from the taxpayers should be required to meet certain conditions including drug screening prior to receiving money/food stamps/rent or whatever else.
Perhaps if we all just step back and take a look at the situation our country is in, and the direction we are heading, more of us would develop anger and hostility towards the very reasons our country is in the shape it is today and we could all work together to turn it around, before it's too late.