Many of those who have pre-existing conditions were mostly turned away or had to pay premiums far greater than what they would have to pay now... and some of those with heart conditions on this board explained all of this in the past few days.
Enectment schedules have been broadcat for the past 12-months... and published in every American newspaper during each writ of the raw bill(s).
Some make it sound like this all came about last Tuesday... though the well-read have been fully aware of this way before Obama even won the election.
...and as far as the numbers go, nothing said here on this board thus contradicting CBO scores is factual.
It's so obvious who all is not reading the newspapers or not visiting our government sites... and to come on here saying "I do not trust my government" does not cut it. In fact, it's down right silly. This is the United States of America.
It's the same old Glenn Beckerishness; kill the elderly and decide who gets medical attention, when... and the 1,600 IRS agents knocking on doors to collect taxas is is far fetched as every 3rd-Grade level script I see at online-right-wing sites.
Bob, the purpose of me saying what I am is that some should be a wee bit more prepared before they start shouting... as thus far all who side with the obstructionists are being shot down pin after pin when they make non-factual remarks. No problem with one voicing their opinion, but a little fact checking, first... serves well. This is the Republican Party talking silly, Bob; a party I have been part of all of all my adult life... and it's now gone completely downhill leaving no possible contribution for the fix we need. I think they need to get their act together; find a leader... and pitch in.
BTW, nobody on the face of the earth knows what'll be in store for us by 2019... Does that mean we should have done nothing regarding H'care...?
I will admit that tax stucture(s) need to be worked with a fine tooth comb... but a least now we have something to work with where both parties should come together... Yes, I'm a firm believer in Tax breaks... but a no-tax-me structure is completely foolishness. This ain't passing me lightly, either.
Also... Check out where you can see a word-for-word explaination of who, where and when benefits kick in.