~~~ who were turned away by insurance companies.
I guess the Republicans are gonna run on... "Give the gig back to insurance companies."
Granted this thing isn't perfect... and I'll be the first to admit it's far from perfect, but at least we now have something to build on to; where only a week ago everything was talk... and now it's law.
I'm truly sorry that the Republicans in Washington are acting like a bunch of crybabies... and in place of putting on their thinking cap to make this law better, they once again try to fool their followers that what they believe is right and that they will fight this tooth and nail... Every single word I've read in these posts (copy/paste stuff, too) is all far-right crap that even a 3rd-Grader knows is false and the numbers any such action would take are just not there... but what would they rather do... lie, lie and lie, again... to get nowhere, and they are only making themselves look foolish thinking they have something to gain while they're digging that hole deeper and deeper. I'd love to see a closer balance in both houses; a level that would make our president even stronger; think harder... and build on to our great nation, but no... all the obstructionists are doing is saying no, no, no...! It's the furthest thing from their mind to help rebuild this country in an effort to reconstruction.