What will happen with forced health care is that employers, especially small ones will get rid of workers and in many cases probably hire illegals for half the wages and pay no benefits.
As I have said in earlier posts, the government has never brought anything in on time or on budget and in the end if this health care bill only costs 3 trillion, I'll be surprised
So let's see, higher taxes to pay for it and higher prices as a result of it. I see that as SCREWED and SCREWED again
Bob, Take a look at what Gov. Christie is trying to do in New Jersey and how local communities are using the threats of higher real estate taxes rather than trying to cut costs.
I voted for Christie and am proud of it. He is the FIRST person to look at the problem and do something about it.
BTW, Perhaps you can expalin this to me.
Obama was left with a 1 trillion dollar debt. He manages to turn that into 4 trillion in 8 short months.
He will be faced with 100's of billions in junk bonds coming due (another bailout?) there is talk of another stimulus package, just the other day he said he would afford help to those who had homes where they owed more than their worth, the war continues if not getting costlier, the health care package is predicted at 945 billion (Who are you kidding with those numbers?) and he plans to cut the deficet by half by 2013?
Talk about optimism