~~~ premature to assume that Obama will be the same failure as Bush.
From what I gathered in Obama's short term in office thus far... he has called on Republicans several times (regarding H'care) and all they kept repeating over and over was to scap the whole gig and start all over, again... yet they did nothing about H'care in the 8 years they were in office.
Now, McCain... a man who could have been president if it were not for Sarah Palin, gets on his box to say he is finished working with the Obama administration... To me it looks like McCain would have followed the same 8-year period as Bush did.
How much more would anyone expect Obama to reach out to the GOP if he's taking this flack on a day of celebration from a man who just might have been president... Is this an example of what the Republican Party has fallen to...? Are they really the party of NO... or do you think they just might be interested and pitch in...?
I have not overlooked President Bush keeping us safe... and I only refer to what you brought up.