political articles or opinions in the past. Here is a link to HR 4872 which will be voted on today in the house.
If it is brought up for a vote, it will pass. The history shows unless they have the votes, they will not take a chance. If you do read the 2409 pages of the senate bill HR 3590 or the 2310 pages of the reconciliation bill HR 4872, God Bless you! Pay special attention to the House resolution 1203 rule and committee report at the bottom of the page. No matter what happens today, this shows the system is broken. When America is so equally divided on several issues, now is not the time to force feed legislation! We have yet to see the deals and/or threats made to ram this bill through. I would never vote on anything which includes trusting someone else (ie the Senate) to remove the parts I don't like. One positive thing will be a drastic "real" change come election time in November and in 2012. Lets just hope the Republicans can do a better job of it this time around. I personally have not seen any change in how things are done in Washington. I will give credit to the administration for being more transparent on some of the backroom deals! Let the rebuttals come to prove my point of entirely different opinions and how divided we actually are. You will also note there is not any real "meat" to my opionions or what I actually disagree with on the healthcare bill. Right now it is more of a process issue. If I were to start a drinking game for every time I heard the word "history" or "historic", I would be drunk all the time. Thanks for letting me vent......Doug
P.S. Notice how I put President Bush on the left and Senator Reid on the right. Still keeping my sense of humor!
No luck meeting President Obama yet.