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The Chip Board Archive 20

No, that's not my suggestion, nor is what you said

~~~ the reason insurance conpanies cancel people's coverage. They do so because those people become a RISK to them; a pre-existing condition being a risk... just in the same manner an insurance company will cancel a homeowner's policy if they are a risk... has nothng to do with being America. If Obama's plan does become law, no insurance company can cancel anyone for any risk due to pre-existing condition; first children then adults down the road... or cancell their insurance should they become ill. My suggestion would have been that if one does not comply with certain measures to conform to medical suggestions (follow their doctor's instructions) that their would be a penaly imposed on the rate they pay such as their are "penalties" imposed on property owners by their insurance companies (not get the discounts others do who conform) or motorists by their insurance companies (for the obvious reasons)... or any other type of insurance company... when the insured is a risk to them... whole point in saying what I did was because in most cases anyone who is doing what that woman is doing (deliberately trying to be the world's fatest woman) is no different than the motorist who drives over the posted speed limit or gets into faulty auto crashes... they pay a penalty (their coverage is not as less as those who conform; their coverage cost is incrased)...

Nowhere did I suggest any health insurance be cancelled... That's why I'm in favor of the bill... and a penalty can be in many forms; forms that might suggest classes, exercise programs or whatever it takes to bring one to the understanding that their wellness is the oncern of others; costwise as well... and that they're not going to get the same ride at the rate those who are keeping it together get. If that person was poor; perhaps they wouldn't be as poor if they were in a more fit condition and being able to seek employment; thus being on a group rate furnished by their employer.

I brought up the point that with Obama's plan it would cost less to cover that woman (tax payer's money) than it would should she not have insurance and have to be admitted to ER at a much higer rate as it stands now (tax payer's money).

Of course such a suggestion is not writ into this currnt bill as some would like...

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Here is a Goal to be proud of
Incredibly sad...
If it were up to me; Obama's ~~~
That plaque is amazing!
Thanks. The games must have been very beautiful ~~
Sorry John but wait a minute...
No, that's not my suggestion, nor is what you said
Someone should call CPS immediately !!!
Someone else should call an undertaker grin
Soon to be on "Biggest Loser"
Already is "Biggest Loser"
Ambulance for the obese

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